I listen to your The Shmuz Podcasts, and I absolutely love them; thanks so much! You now have yourself another Mike!-Ari K.
I do not remember the last time I listened, (let alone enjoyed) a “Shmuz” as much as I did when I was in my car yesterday. It was the first time I can remember being glued to the stereo…..Listening to a torah tape! Keep Up the Good Work!!! -Hudi N.
I want you to know that I am learning so much, ever since I pressed play on the first CD I got, it has changed my life. I look at the world differently, I speak to people differently, and I have become a better husband and father. I want to thank you for reaching to my soul and giving it a jump start. . -Shlomi B.
Thank you for making The Shmuz possible, it has helped me out in so many ways it’s unexplainable.
-Penuel B.
The samples on iTunes were transforming!
I just want to thank everyone who's involved in getting the Shmuzin onto the web. It is so awesome! I can't even describe how much it helps me feel connected to ruchniyus ever since I got back from seminary. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!! :)
-A new Shmuz fan
Thank you very much for opening up the treasure troves of dais Torah on the Shmuz website. It is an enormous source of Naches and inspiration to me to know I can have the whole library within easy reach from any internet connection.
I am writing from overseas (approx 8,000 miles away) and have recently found out about your Shmuz, through a search on apple’s podcast system, and I must say that I have listened to that episode many many times, and it was really inspirational. Thank you very much
I want to express my appreciation for the inspiration that you have given me the few times that I have been able to attend the Shmuz in Queens. It provides me with an opportunity for spirituality in a day otherwise filled with the mundane.
Just E-mailing you to say that the Shmuz was amazing. I told it over to everyone I met last night. My friends and I have enjoyed and gained immensely from the Shiur and the Achdus that is offered at the "Shmuz".
I personally benefit tremendously from the Shmuzin as the Rebbe has a very understandable way of presenting concepts that, although are not new to me, have taken on a whole additional perspective into the concepts.
I thank you for that.
I listen to your shmuzim regularly in my car and its gevaldig source of inspiration. Even my son whose bar mitzvah is this fall enjoys them immensely.
Just a short "Hakoras Hatov" to the Rebbe for helping me understand in many different ways how to Daven better and to be a better person. I really see my own improvement from last year. May we all be zoche to grow and accomplish our goals to help us in this world and the next.
Who I am and who I will be, as well as the identities and fate of my entire family, is a product of the influence you had on me. Thank you for everything.
I loved the Shmuz that you gave last week about Kiddush Hashem
First of all, I would like to say thank you. I listen to the Shmuz to and from work every day in my car, and I enjoy it immensely.
I also want to tell you that I enjoy “The Shmuz” CDs tremendously. I hear their messages resonating in my mind at the strangest times…when I want to eat an extra helping I hear a voice saying “Don’t be a wimp! Have self-control!” When I make a bracha too quickly I laugh at myself for doing the mandatory ‘mouth twitch’ before eating. Purim time, I found myself sitting in the driveway long after I turned the engine off because I had to ‘find out what happened next’ in the Megilah. And so on and so on…Thanks so much for your entertaining (and some times unsettling) shmuzim!! Hatzlachah in all your work.
Rabbi Shafier,
Your Shiurim are an absolute inspiration, and I have gained tremendously from them. Thank you so much for this incredible opportunity to share the wealth!
-Esti W.
The Shmuz really helps me focus on what is significant in life, where Ihave been, where I am now, and perhaps most importantly, where I amgoing. Even 3,000 miles away, these CDs really inspire me and help meget connected emotionally, physically, and spiritually, especially whenlife is at its hardest. Thank you, thank you thank you.
-Alec in L.A.
Dear Rabbi Shafier,
I just started listening to your "shumz"in and really enjoy them. Thank you for your time and Keep up the good work.
-Dovid M.
I just wanted to know how wonderful the Shmuzin are...I appreciate all the hard work, time, & effort that you put into them making them so palatable, & mesukim k'dvash! My cousin recently told me that The Shmuz is now available for free on the site for downloading, & listening. I listen to them while I work out, & on the way to, & from work. May Hashem continue to give you much koach, brocha, & hatzlachah for the wonderful hashpaah you are having on klal Yisroel through your Shmuzin!
-Yisroel G.
To Rabbi Shafier,
Thank you very much for giving The Shmuz and inspiring me and helping me have a better understanding about life. I live in Lakewood NJ and was I wondering if somehow we can hear a live Shmuz in Lakewood. I would definitely be willing to help in what ever way I can.
-Asher E
Hi,I would just like to drop you an email to let you know that this website
theshmuz.com has really transformed my day at my office. I run my own business, and I could've never imagined the chiizuk I can get from my daily activities here. Please keep up this wonderful website with many more Shmuz's. It really has been a great inspiration to listen to 2-3 shiurim every day. Yasher Koach,
-Menashe M.
Rabbi Shafier,
I would like you to know like this. I am 23, and have been learning in great yeshivas my whole life. I daven and learn and do all the great thing we as Jews have been given to do.I have never felt so fulfilled in my life, whether from Davening, learning, etc.... Until I got a hold of your shmuzim. I was sitting at my desk one day (two day ago) thinking how I only use the internet for work. Google videos. Ebay... And I thought how I can use it for a Jewish purpose. So I googled TORAH,
Theshmuz.com came up as an option and I clicked it.
Lo and behold I registered and downloaded 3 shmuzim burned them on to CDs and started listening to them.I promise you after the first CD I felt like a changed man! I view life in a completely new way which makes me feel wealthy beyond belief. Just today on the way to work I listened to the WEALTHY Shmuz; you have been given a gift in which you are able to bring beautiful ideas into understandable lingo. You, after two days have mamesh changed my life.
Thank you and looking forward to working together with you,
-Your newest Talmid
Rabbi Shafier, Yechiel, and the Shmuz crew,
Thank you very much for opening up the treasure troves of daas Torah on the Shmuz website. It is an enormous source of Nachas and inspiration to me to know I can have the whole library of the Rabbi's Torah within easy reach from any internet connection. I’ve enjoyed several shmuzim from the site so far and look forward to exploring many more in the hours that I’m sitting in front of my computer. May Hashem bring enormous success to your work to Mechazek bnai Torah and create Achdus that will make this dor zoichid to witness the geulah! Very truly yours,
-Dennis S.
I am writing this letter as a public declaration of Hakaras Hatov to Rabbi Shafier.
Although I can only speak for myself, I am sure that many others reading this letter will share my sentiments.It's been about 11 years since I was in Yeshiva full time and I can honestly say that being in a Beis Medrash setting cannot be duplicated. Though I've been Koveia Itim throughout the years in varying levels, I haven't necessarily felt the sense of real spiritual growth; that " I'm working on my own frumkeit" or the feeling of developing a personal relationship with Hashem.Then I was given a CD of
Rabbi Shafier's Maaser Shmuz (#52) by a friend. It was as if a light bulb went off in my head. It was immediately Mechazek me in this important and powerful Mitzvah and led me to purchase the entire set of The Shmuz cd's which I now listen to during my commute.I now attend Rabbi Shafier's Shmuz weekly. Now, I am growing. I am developing a personal relationship with Hashem. I look more deeply at myself, my attitudes, my thought processes, my reactions. I now examine my relationship with my wife, my kids, family and friends. And, maybe most importantly, I am coming to appreciate the magnitude of each small act, because they are the stepping stones and springboards of real spiritual growth.The act of giving someone a cd may have seemed small. The act of taking someone along with you the next time you attend the Shmuz may not seem like a big deal to you.
But it was to me.
It has and continues to change my life forever.Thank you so much Rabbi Shafier for all that you do.
-Yaakov K.
Rabbi Shafier:
I want to thank you for everything you have done for me over the past two years. It has been a time of tremendous change, and you were invaluable to me in plotting a course through it all. What you have done for me, both in terms of direct support and time spent talking to me and through the shmuzzin and tapes, will forever leave an impact on me and my family. Who I am and who I will be, as well as the identities and fate of my entire family, is a product of the influence you had on me. I know I can never adequately thank you for this, but I did want to try. I am sure that I am not the only person who feels this way. What you have accomplished in just two short years is something that the greatest of men struggle to accomplish in a lifetime.
Thank you for everything.
Hope to see you soon,
Dovid K. and Family.
Rabbi Shafier, My name is Shlomi;
I have been listening to your Shmuz classes for 4 months now. I normally listen when I commute. I like to listen to each class at least 3 times to get a good understanding of your message. I sometimes take notes and share it with my wife. I told my wife that we should start listening to your class together. She is currently having a hard time with prayers, and G-d, I told her how much your classes have given me a reason to feel good about wanting to learn and grow, so I hope this works for her. I currently can't come to your class on Monday nights in Queens because I am learning with my Rabbi; we are almost done with masechet Makot. After that I hope to start coming to your class. BH during that time my wife and I are expecting our 2nd child, I know that it will be hard but I will try. In any case I want you to know that I am learning so much from you, ever since I pressed play on the first CD I got, you have changed my life. I look at the world differently, I speak to people differently, I have become a better husband and father. (Not that I was not good before, but you teach me how to be even a better husband and father)The things that you speak about connect with me, you give me boost to pray better, and to want to learn more, and grow. You teach me things about myself that I never knew about. I am not the most religious person, there are still things I need to do and change, and I believe that you are giving me the power to do that. I get so excited when I get the CD's in the mail. Sometimes my wife and I would talk about life, money, family, and our problems that we have to deal with, I then try to use your lines to help us feel better about life. I would like to thank you for doing what you are doing, it must be very hard. I want to thank you for reaching to my soul and giving it a jump start. May Hashem give you the strength to continue this great program you are running. I wish you and your family a shana tova, a sweet year, a successful year, a year of Torah and growth.
Shlomi B.
PS. Everyone needs a Mike, you just got yourself a Shlomi
(Shmuz #17)
Just a short "Hakores Hatov" to Rabbi Shafier for helping me understand in many different ways how to daven better and to be a better person. I really see my own improvement from last year. May we all be zoche to grow and accomplish our goals to help us in this world and the next. Kisiva Vichasiuma Tova.
First and foremost I want to give you hakoras hatov. I listen to your shmuzim regularly in my car and it's gevaldig source of inspiration. As a true blue CC guy we argue point all the time while you deliver your shmooz. Unfortunately, you never have the opportunity to respond to my contrary proofs or when I think you take a leap of faith, but I enjoy them nonetheless. Even my son whose bar mitzva is this fall enjoys them immensely. May HaKodesh Baruch Hu continue to give you the koach and inspiration to inspire the rest of us for many yamim v'shanim!Many thanks.Have a kesiva v'chasima tova.
Rabbi Shafier,
Thank you for your priceless advice & guidance. To have a Mentor like you is rare. Its more than 10 years that I have the honor to know you and be your student in torah and 'the ways of the world'. The understanding that you have of all areas of Life, the wisdom that you share is crucial to living a successful, happy torah life!
I can only imagine that many in the world don't have the honor to know you but need it!Thank you for everything. May you have much continued hatzlachah in everything that you do!
We'll be in touch,
L'chvod HaRav Shafier, Shlita
I am a recently enlightened "shmuz" listener and I was wondering if it may be possible to open "the shmuz" to girls as well.I am aware of its association with Tiferes Bnei Torah and therefore it may be an issue. However, as a single girl in the Monsey community, I find it hard to connect the shiurim targeted at the girls.I find that many of the shiurim for women are in a sense diluted in order to appeal to a wide audience of girls from different schools and backgrounds.In any case, I wanted to thank you for "the shmuz" for it has already impacted my life so much. I understand it may be an issue to open the "live showing" to girls as well, so until then, I'll be listening. Thank you again, wishing the shmuz continued hatzlacha...Ahuva S.
Dear Rav Shafier,
First, I just want to express my appreciation for the inspiration that you have given me the few times that I have been able to attend the Shmuz in Queens. It provides me with an opportunity for spirituality in a day otherwise filled with the mundane.Best Regards,
-Yaakov M
Dear Rabbi Shafier shlita:
I wanted to ask a favor from you. I used to go to your shiur ,and Ihave almost all of the cd's of your shiurim.I think that the shmuz is amazing, meaningful, interesting, geshmak, poignant and very noegaeah.Unless like other shiurim I come out with new novel ideas, interesting facts and stories that are not mentioned by most speakers..thank you and kol tov
-David B.
Hi Rabbi,
I must tell the Rebbe that I thought yesterday was probably one of the best shmuzin yet, and I really enjoyed your insight how Yackov Aveinu was supposed to make the chop with the Eigel Arufah and the wagons and the calf, and that just like lhavdil we remember when Kennedy was shot, or 9/11, since it was Torah of course Yackov got the hint as well as he remembered what he learned 22 years ago. Again, I really loved the shmuz.Be well,
Rabbi Shafier,
Thank you so much for your Shmuzim. I just completed listening to all 78 on the IPOD and have started from the top. My goal is to “memorize all of them” (this is in writing so I have a much better chance of achieving this as per Mark McCormick).
On wanting a microphone in to the minds of your listeners (
#73 - Self Respect - The Basis of it All “@ 16 minutes”); you’re registering loud and clear in my mind and I’d like to thank you so much for giving me the chance just to listen.
Just to illustrate this, after listening to the “
Anger Management” (30), I started keeping score. My score card had 2 checks marks in week one and 1 check mark in week two. Week three isn’t over yet, so I don’t have a final score yet for that. Since most of my listening is while driving back and forth from work (90 minutes round trip), I’m driving slower and don’t really care if someone wants to go in front of me. Not in a great rush, because I’m listening to you; and therefore my anger and anxious level are way down, because I feel I’m accomplishing something during my travel time instead of it being wasted by listening to the radio. The chatter is also way down (
#73 - Self Respect - The Basis of it All).
My kavana in Davening is also way up. Before starting, I wait 10 seconds (seems like an eternity) and look out the window.
Thank you,
-Dovid K.
Dear Rabbi Shafier,
After listening to your tape
"It's not Genaiva, It's Shtick" (one of a few borrowed from Moish and Raizel Grossman) I could not contain my enthusiasm for a job very well done! I was so impressed!!!! Finally, finally someone told it like it is:) I just wanted to say Thank You (!) for such a public display of honesty appreciation. This shmuz should be required listening for everyone and endorsed by all Gedolim everywhere... Yasher Koach!!!
-Malka E.
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